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Simple Tips for Achieving Work-Life Balance

Aug 15

4 min read

There are millions of ways to describe what work-life balance is, as well as so many different opinions. Some people prefer to draw a clear line between work hours and leisure, whereas others think mingling work and life gives a higher quality of life, such as working from anywhere, anytime, even at the cost of working after hours. In this article, we will talk about how work-life balance can be set and the importance of coworking spaces in this.

What is Work-Life Balance?

One of my close friends said that if he can go to the gym around 11 a.m. just before lunch every day, he doesn’t mind working after 6 p.m. because he wants to get fit but hates exercising after work. So for him, work-life balance is all about having the flexibility to schedule his own day rather than being forced into standard work hours, which simply do not serve him well. Another friend said he hates answering work-related calls as soon as he leaves the office and he has a clear line that work should be done at the office by 6 p.m., leaving personal activities for later in the day. Everyone has a different view on work-life balance, but the bottom line is being content with the time you spend at work and outside.

Why is Work-Life Balance Important?

Work-life balance is important because it has a direct impact on your mental well-being. If you constantly stress about long work hours or feel pressured to complete all your professional and personal responsibilities within 24 hours, when you’re unable to do so, it just takes away your peace of mind. When your mental state is not at its best, it causes more problems like low productivity, low energy levels, and an irritated mood.

Setting Boundaries Between Work and Personal Life

The Importance of Clear Boundaries

Whether this means you only work at the office or can shut off your phone when spending time with family, setting boundaries is key to separating work and personal life to achieve success in both.

Tips for Establishing Effective Boundaries

Setting boundaries starts with self-awareness—knowing what is not acceptable and what is tolerable for you. Since people differ greatly, the key is to identify your preferences and be aware of them so that you can respect them yourself first, and then expect others not to cross the line.

Managing Your Time Efficiently

Prioritizing Tasks

The Eisenhower Matrix, also known as the Time Management Matrix, is a very useful tool for categorizing tasks. The graph’s axes show Importance and Urgency and classify tasks based on their levels. For example, if a task is urgent and important, it needs to be done immediately, whereas important but not urgent tasks can be scheduled for a later day. Not important but urgent tasks can be delegated to someone else.

Time Management Techniques That Work

Plan ahead, schedule tasks, prioritize wisely, and remove non-essential tasks to reach full efficiency in using your time. It’s easy to get lost in a sea of pending tasks, so the key is adhering to your planned schedule that serves you best.

Incorporating Self-Care into Your Routine

The Role of Self-Care in Achieving Balance

Yoga, meditation, running, reading a book, or engaging in a meaningful conversation—these are all activities that are considered self-care.

Simple Self-Care Practices to Try

Try a body scan meditation for just 5 minutes, where you close your eyes and focus on each part of your body, checking for any strain or discomfort to start the recovery process. Or, you might indulge in a bubble bath with calming scents and candles.

Role of Coworking Spaces in Maintaining Work-Life Balance

The Role of Coworking Spaces in Maintaining Work-Life Balance

How Coworking Spaces Help Separate Work from Home Life?

Coworking spaces provide you with a separate professional place from your home where you can go and do focused work. It is essential to avoid distractions during your work hours to complete your workload in time, so having a space that supports you in this aspect will help maintain work-life balance.

Benefits of Flexible Workspaces for Your Well-Being

Another benefit, apart from providing a professional space to work, is that coworking spaces often offer perks related to well-being, such as discounted gym memberships, nutrition plans, and complimentary massages and yoga events.

Regularly Reviewing and Adjusting Your Routine

Why Routine Reviews are Crucial?

Routines can make or break your progress toward reaching your goals. If you have the right routine, eventually you’ll reach the target you set. On the other hand, if your routine is holding you back, the negative impact will be substantial in the long run.

Adapting Your Routine to Maintain Balance

Once you have a routine that supports your progress, it will easily become your new normal. A well-balanced life is key to achieving goals and feeling content, so we should all take time to review our


If you wish to explore any coworking spaces in Singapore, please don't hesitate to contact us at +65 8043 6481 or via email at We offer complimentary consultations and would be delighted to arrange a tour for you.

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